Table and groceries

Drink Arabica
According to studies, about 150 species of birds live on plantations of the Arabian coffee tree (the “arabica” variety) growing in the shade. If, on the other hand, coffee trees are grown in full sun, the number of inhabitants is reduced to 20-50 species. Because of the demand for cheap coffee, many producers have switched to growing “sunny” varieties, using more pesticides and fertilizers. You can protect your birds and also reduce your use of chemicals by preferring “arabica.”
Be a vegetarian once a week.
It takes about 10,000 liters of water to produce 500 g of meat: 20 times more than it takes to produce the same weight of potatoes. In addition, animals, like cows, produce huge amounts of methane, the #2 gas on the list responsible for the greenhouse effect.
Buy fish with the MSC certification mark
MSC certifications give benefits to fishermen who operate legally. This certification program itself is designed to recognize sustainable fishing.
Support the domestic manufacturer
Goods from the supermarket have come a long way to get closer to you. To reduce the carbon footprint of all the trucks, ships, and planes that bring goods to your store, buy more local produce. And help the farmers along the way.
Don’t heat up the oven
Cookbooks tell us to preheat the oven. Often this requirement can be ignored. If you’re not baking pies, turn the oven on when you put a dish in it. And excessive oven door manipulation isn’t even good for baked goods-so always judge the degree of readiness through the glass first.
Give up plastic bags
Between 500 million and 1 billion plastic bags are used worldwide every year. There’s no reason not to believe studies that claim small particles of polyethylene in the ocean are already starting to destroy the food chain! When you go shopping, take a canvas bag with you.